Luan has been working really hard with Burt and just recently he was adopted. Here's her comment reposted here:
BURT HAS BEEN ADOPTED! 20 months after his arrival here, his perfect people found their perfect dog. An older couple, both retired, but who still like to go for long daily walks and wanted a canine friend to accompany them. People with experience living with shy dogs. They came, they saw Burt and Burt decided that he liked them, too. So a few days later I drove him to their rural home, not all that far from my place. Three weeks and three progress reports later, all is tickety boo. Burt is enjoying his long walks, and he is making friends with the local canine population. I have been promised that he will be brought back for the occasional visit and a chance to play with his old pals. And I have been told that as far as Rescue goes, I am never getting him back! Bye bye Burt, may you enjoy your new people and new life. Miss you? Naw, (sniff) what makes you think that?
Hope we get some pictures of him with his new family sometime.
Meanwhile, Luan has a special needs Border Collie who's looking for a home.
From Luan:
I have a little special needs Border Collie here that really needs her own foster/adoptive home. I am hoping that someone reading your blog might be able to give her the love, commitment, and special care that she so deserves.
Holly is blind - to rapid onset cataracts, the result of untreated diabetes. She still has some peripheral vision and manages to avoid most objects. There is a possibility of cataract surgery to restore her vision, but it is very costly. She has been bred - regularly from the looks of it, and then dumped, probably when her drinking and pissing everywhere and bumping into things got too annoying. She wound up sitting in an Northern Ontario shelter for a month with no medical care, and was slated for euthanasia at Christmas if a Rescue was not prepared to save her. She is now doing well, although getting her blood sugar levels and insulin doses stabilized is proving a challenge. She still needs to be spayed - I was hoping to get her diabetes stabilized first. When she arrived here on Boxing Day she was 23 lb waif. Her body was literally feeding on itself because of the untreated diabetes. She is now on grain-free kibble and a much healthier 34 lbs.
Someone at some point in her estimated five years of life must have loved her - she very petite and pretty and one smart cookie. She is affectionate, easy to handle (and needle), knows her obedience commands and she is quick to respond. She is very adept at telling you what she wants and needs, and sings when the mood strikes her. She loves cuddles and being with people. However she hates hates hates being around other dogs. She hasn't hurt any, but her anxiety goes into overdrive and she snarls and carries on and snaps at them if they get too close. She has learned to tolerate my older "housedogs" and they have learned to avoid her, and for the most part things are peaceful. But she is not happy in a multi-dog household.
Holly needs a home that understands and is knowledgeable of diabetes. She is still at the stage where she needs regular blood glucose curves to determine the number of units of insulin she requires (she is currently getting 4 units twice daily). One without other animals. She is happy to have a well-fenced backyard, lots of pee-breaks, and lots of loving - she is not a terribly high-energy Border Collie and does not need long walks. What Holly needs and deserves is a world full of love and kindness, something that she has been seriously short-changed of up until now.
In the meantime, Southern Ontario Border Collie Rescue is appreciative of any monetary donations to assist with Veterinary care for Holly and the other foster dogs. Donations made through Helping Homeless Pets can be issued a tax receipt and go directly into the Veterinary medical account when directed specifically to Southern Ontario Border Collie Rescue.
Luan Egan
Rescue Co-Ordinator,
Southern Ontario Border Collie Rescue
905 473-9050
Is it likely that, with sufficient donations, Holly will have the cataracts surgery? Do they work with a vet that can discount it? Or has it basically been written off? Do you know?
Sorry, don't know. Maybe Luan can answer if she sees this.
Hi; first I have to get her diabetes under control or the cataracts will just return. Then her eyes will have to assessed to see if cataract surgery can be done. I've been told to expect it to cost about $2,000 per eye, plus the costs of assessment. Sadly it's awkward - the anxiety she feels being in a home with multiple dogs is probably part of the reason she is having difficulty stabilizing her blood sugar levels.
She needs to stabilize first - the stress she feels being in a multi-dog environment is not helping with that and getting her blood glucose levels down. Once she is stabilized then her eyes can be assessed. I have been told the cost is about $2,000. per eye. It would be great to get a specialist who is willing to reduce costs but will have to cross that bridge when we come to it.
I wish her the very best. I wouldn't have a problem with a special needs dog, provided I could fit its requirements. In my case, I have two dogs, and cats, so she would be no better off, I'm afraid. She's beautiful, though, and I hope you find an appropriate home for her.
Thanks. Sorry about the duplicate posts, the first one appeared to disappear into cyberspace!
Her picture does not so her justice, she is full of personality and very expressive.
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