Kipper is a knock you down friendly, young Doberman Pinscher. He needs some training but only because he's got too much luvin to give.

Golden Retriever, Cocasse, already adopted by one of TAS' volunteer dog walkers.

Fan Fan, a serious little fellow has got stuff to do.

Way too skinny for a Labrador. He spent most of his time outside, nose to the ground trying to eat anything that resembled food.

Yes, Shao the sock dog, is as smart as he looks.

And last but not least, a German Shepherd pup who's got ants in his pants and smart as a whip.

More on Fan Fan here.
For adoption information on these and other dogs (and cats and other animals), please visit Toronto Animal Services.
Ahhhh! I want them all! Hopefully the good people of the GTA will feel the same way. Great to see Rudy being so brave!
Aw I saw Rudy and Kipper today while I was there, what a pair of cuties. I can't believe any of the pups are still there.
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