Charlie and Copper are a couple of young male dogs presently residing at Toronto Animal Services. They're both happy, friendly, eager and untrained.
This is Charlie's second time through TAS. The first time, he came in as a puppy and someone took him home, never bothered to spend any time training him and has just recently brought him back.

He's a handsome guy and super affectionate. His ex-owner brought him back complaining that he's too wild. Too wild my ass. Other than being untrained, Charlie is great.
Copper is a beautiful red Doberman. He was found as a stray in Montreal and transferred to TAS because there were a couple of empty kennels here.

He had a previous injury to his left eye and it had, well, burst because it was left untreated so it was decided at TAS to have the eye removed. The operation was a couple of days ago and you'd think he'd be a bit distressed at having an eyeball cut out and his eyelid sewn shut like a horror movie extra but apparently not. He's optimistic and playful and acts as though nothing bad at all had happened. Dogs are so dumb and happy and if you can't love that, what can you love?
Both these dogs, along with a couple of others, will be spending the next month participating in a program which helps kids develop training skills. If they're lucky, they might even get adopted out during the process. If not, we'll be seeing them back here come November.
I volunteer at the shelter on Mondays and I must say Charlie is one sweet guy. His leash walking skills have improved greatly in the few weeks I have known him!!!!!!!all he needs is some good running space and someone to play with and love. He's very responsive and often looks up at you when walking for reassurance. I wish both Copper and Charlie all the best in the future.
P.S... this is an awsome site and I am so glad to have found it. Now I can keep up with all thatis going on at the shelter with my 4 legged friends
Hi Susan, I'm glad you like the site. I'm not often at the shelter on Mondays but next time I'm there, I'll keep an eye out for you.
what days are you at the shelter Fred? I too will keep an eye out for you
keep up the great work. The best thing for the shelter is to just keep spreading the word. Its amazing how many people I talk to have no idea they exist.
My schedule there isn't fixed but I'm usually in Thursdays between 12and 3 sometime and also once or twice over the weekend. I drop in on other days as well but on no set schedule, usually when they get a bunch of new dogs in that need photos taken.
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