Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jury duty - day 3

(From here)

This morning we were to show up by 11 a.m. We were directed to go to a courtroom on the fourth floor. When we got there, there was no one around and then someone eventually came by and told us to go down and sit and wait in the jurors' lounge on the first floor.

That is all that happened today.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Our thrilling justice system at work.

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

Thrilling ...

Caroline said...

Fred, you are hilarious! I like your jury columns even better than your animal ones. "knock on wood" I never have to do jury duty, I will be bored silly! TG my family recently bought a wireless mini notebook, I'll hafta remember to bring it and a millon books, not to mention juice packs, are you allowed to carry a suitcase? Lol Caroline

Fred said...

Hi Caroline, yes, you are allowed to bring a suitcase as all packs are put through the x-ray machine or whatever it is. They don't have the full body scanners yet, like at the airports, so you don't have to wear your lead underwear just yet.