Saturday, February 28, 2009

Neko Case visits Best Friends Animal Society

Neko Case, a favorite songwriter of mine, visited Best Friends in Utah a while back and was so impressed that she decided to donate $5 to BFAS for every blog that posted the first single off her upcoming album, Middle Cyclone. Unfortunately, the offer, put out several weeks ago, expired earlier this month and the record company had reached their $4000 donation limit anyway (you didn't think there wouldn't be a limit did you?) so I'm basically jumping on this wagon way after it's stopped and everyone else has already gone home. Typical.

And sure it's a publicity stunt but what the hell, I like both of them a lot so here's the single anyway, if you care to listen. If not, you can always watch the video following of Neko's visit to the sanctuary. Yes, it's got dogs in it.

Neko Case: The fact that people could be so committed, and be willing to take and stick up for end-of-the-line and aggressive dogs – the death row animals – is what impressed me. And when I heard that the sanctuary had 3,000 acres, I thought, ‘These people are serious!’ In a climate of bad news these days, it was such an inspiring thing to see.

1 comment:

onequarterdal said...

Ahh BF, my ultimate goal for a "vacation". This summer or next, I'd love to volunteer there. Dot