The dog is a 13mth old beagle mix named Chase. He is brown with a black saddle & he was (& hopefully still is) wearing a red collar with silver reflective paw prints and an Ohio Rabies tag & a yellow microchip tag. He also has a recent neuter incision as he was just neutered last Tuesday.
He went missing in the Bloor/Islington area of Toronto. He is in around Van Dusen Rd and seems to be sticking to that area.
Normally Chase is totally food driven .... he's one of those dogs that thinks he's starving 24/7 even when he's getting two meals a day, but he's so frightened right now that he's not taking food. Mind you I think really good people food might do the trick. My advice to anyone finding him is to NOT try to pick him up or grab his collar as that could be very threatening to him & make him react badly. I would suggest noosing him with a leash so that he's not overwhelmed. Or if he wanders into a yard, close the gate so he can't get out but don't try to engage him. Call me at 519-443-0137 or email me here at besslin @ & I will try to drive into the city to retrieve him. I'm a couple of hours outside the city but if Chase is contained somewhere I might be able to get him to come to me > he was quite attached to my retriever so maybe he would come to her.
If you can't get me then call Toronto Animal Services to come and get him.
The owners names are Frank & Kathie Deknock & they can be reached at 416-239-0331. This dog is severely traumatized right now & is being driven by fear. We simply have to find him before he gets killed or starves/freezes to death.
I don't live in the area, but I have friends who do and I've sent the link to the blog along to them. I truly hope someone finds Chase and that he makes it home to his family safe and sound. Is TAS looking for him as well?
I don't know if TAS is actively looking for Chase, but he's on their radar.
Oh my goodness, I hope he is found soon and is okay!
Sending thoughts and prayers that sweet Chase finds his way back to his loving family. I know they must be worried sick... and poor Chase is probably scared to death :-(
Poor little fella.
Hope he`s found
Perhaps the owners could list him on here.
I think it`s free.
Not sure the family is exactly worried sick - it's a busy time of year with so much to do - but the rescue volunteers who've dropped their own priorities and been the ones to drive in from out of town to put up signs and search the ravines are. I have a feeling this little guy was let down. There's always another side to the story, I guess.
Cr*p, don't get me going about Christmas pets.
Chase is still missing as of today December 21st. He has moved out of the area and seems to be traveling west. Queensway/Kipling; then Horner/Judson; then Lakeshore/27th Street. We had several sightings yesterday but none today
The Oakville Humane Society & Toronto Wildlife Services have graciously loaned us humane live traps to catch Chase but right now we don't know where to put them.
We are now advising the Public DO NOT APPROACH CHASE OR CALL HIS NAME if you see him as this makes him run. Instead call one of the contact #'s on the Help Find CHase facebook group. We need sightings so as to know where to put the traps. It's the only way we are going to catch him. Also he is still wearing his harness.
Please join the facebook group help find Chase ... you will find updates here and contact information. You will now be contacting rescuers only .. not the family.
just want to update in case anyone reads. Chase was found and is safe. He was found on boxing day :) he is a great dog, survived the streets of Toronto for over 2 weeks.
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