Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas card

(h/t borderjack)

Original from here.


Joanne said...

Who leaves their dog outside in the cold anytime, let alone on Christmas Eve.....I hope they get a huge lump of coal in their stocking and huge lump of something else in their slippers?

Anonymous said...

borderjack That really was bittersweet. Glad the little JRT had some cookies. The Xmas lights are a nice touch too, but a cozy bed indoors would be a whole lot better.

Anonymous said...

Santa should have scooped him up and added him to his entourage.

Cute video though


borderjack said...

I hear you...I would NEVER keep my dogs outside. I me the "cold" was palpably fake...I saw the cuteness of the jack he hoped and hoped, ate a cookie, succumbed to sleep, and will wake up to find he got a gift after all. I thought it was nicely done, but i guess it's kind of like some of those "Fido" commercials that don't seem very dog-friendly.

As for the dog house...I'm actually surprised to see that there are humane societies with information about "approved" dog houses (insulated and fit to size). TO BE CLEAR: my dogs have their own beds (inside the house), but they choose to sleep in mine (also inside my house), which is now covered by a soft and very warm duvet. The bed, not the house. But the house is insulated.